This week’s instalment from Masonic Periodicals Online comes from The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine, 12 January, 1867, where we find on page 18 the obituary for Brother Alderman William Bean.
'We regret to have to announce the death, on the morning of the 22 nd ult ., of a very old and highly respected member and P. M. of the Old Globe Lodge , Scarboro' (No . 200). The deceased, Bro. Alderman Bean, was in the eightieth year of his age. His loss will not only be regretted amongst the Craft, but by a numerous circle of non-Masonic friends to whom he had endeared himself as one of the oldest inhabitants of Scarboro,’…'

'Bro. Bean's affection for the pursuit of natural history may almost be said to have been inherent. Very early in life he distinguished himself as a botanist and entomoIygist; but it is in geology and British conchology that he has won a reputation, not only European but even American. There is scarcely a museum in the kingdom or on the continent hub where his familiar handwriting attached to his specimens maybe seen, and his discoveries in conchology, though not always acknowledged so handsomely as they ought to have been, were numerous and important. The magazines of natural history are the depository of many of his valuable contributions, and his collections have been the wonder and admiration of visitors to Scarborough for many years; Bro. Bean, with praiseworthy affability, being always accessible, not merely to the student, but to the general admirer of the works of nature.'
Bro. Bean’s funeral procession is then described in detail including “The brethren being dressed in mourning, with aprons and white gloves, the officers wearing their insignia and jewels. The procession was headed by the police, followed by the Mayor, Corporation, Magistrates, and gentry. The band of the 6th North York Volunteers playing the 'Dead March in Saul.'