Found in our North Gallery, the permanent exhibition Three centuries of English freemasonry offers enlightenment on the beginnings of organised freemasonry. It’s home to some of freemasonry's most important items from across the centuries.
Follow the story of freemasonry from its early days when in 1717 four London lodges met at The Goose and Gridiron tavern to form the first Grand Lodge. The three centuries that followed brought many changes that saw freemasonry grow to what it is today with members all over the world.

The exhibition includes the earliest and most important items like Anderson's Constitutions, which laid out the rules for being a freemason in 1723, and the Articles of Union, a signed document uniting the Antients and Moderns Grand Lodges in 1813. It is also packed with fascinating items like paintings, pocket watches and even the unique briefcases used by freemasons to carry their personal regalia to and from meetings.
If you didn't know what freemasonry was before your visit, you certainly will after you spend some time in this exhibition.